Why Trust EFY?

Why should you trust EFY? Why do brands pay a premium for its properties? Here are a few facts that could help you to get an answer to these questions…

1. We’ve Been in Business Since 1969

EFY Group was established in Jan 1969 with the launch of Electronics For You magazine. Currently, EFY is India’s leading Tech Media group. Over these years, our publications have not just ‘survived’ but actually grown from strength to strength.

2. We are affiliated with INS (Indian Newspaper Society)

Out of all electronics-related publications, only our publications are registered with INS and are listed in their directory. INS is India’s top trade association of print media, and only reputed publications are able to enrolled as its members. For more details, refer to: http://www.indiannewspapersociety.org/

3. We Co-organise India’s leading Industry Awards

India’s oldest awards for the electronics sector (ELCINA Awards) have been co-organised with EFY Group since 2011, and have been renamed as ELCINA-EFY Awards. The fact that a reputable non-profit organisation (trade association) has co-branded their awards with EFY shows the value and trust the industry places in the organisation.

4. We Publish India’s Only ‘Electronics’ Directory

Our knowledge of the Indian electronics industry can be gauged by the fact that EFY Group publishes India’s only Directory of its electronics industry. Even the Government of India refers to EFY’s directory to reach out to the industry.

5. Our Social Media Communities Reflect Our Connect with Fraternity

Our connect with the tech and business communities is best proven by our Social Media communities. We are lucky to manage World’s biggest social media community of electronics engineers on Facebook (facebook.com/designelectronics). Our team also drives many large communities across LinkedIN and Twitter.

6. We are Media Partners of Leading Events

EFY Group’s media partnership is sought by both Indian as well as International events spread across the globe. International events where EFY group has been a media partner include: CommunicAsia Singapore, NEPCON Japan, CEATEC Japan, CeBIT Asia, NEPCON China, China Electronics Fair, Taitronics, LED Expo Korea, LED Expo Thailand, and more.

7. Don’t Believe Us—Ask your partners & customers in India

We strongly suggest that you to speak to your team members, channel partners or customers in India, and find out which brand is the leader in publications or websites—from them.

8. The BIG Proof: ELCINA-IMRB Study

Still looking for hard facts? The ELCINA-IMRB Study on “Media Consumption Patterns of India’s ESDM Industry” should clear all doubts. This study published in October 2016 confirms Electronics For You to have a whopping 68% mind-share amongst the entire electronics fraternity in India. What’s more—the number two brand has only 3% mind-share. To view the original report, go to: https://efymag.in9.cdn-alpha.com/elcina-imrb-lessons/

9. Our Clients Recommend Us

Still not convinced? Check out these recent testimonials of our clients—and doubts if any, will disappear.