5 Things to Learn from ELCINA-IMRB's Report..

What type of media does the Indian electronics industry refer to? Do they want to know about technology or business? If print-media still relevant to them?

To celebrate its 50th anniversary, ELCINA initiated a unique survey through IMRB--to find answers to these questions by a publishing a report on 'The Media Consumption Trends of India's ESDM Industry". Here are a few findings that you'd find useful...

1. Print Media Solves "I don't know what I don't know" Problem

What are the trends that can affect your business or profession? If you are NOT aware about them, you won't be searching to know more about them on the Internet. Hence, most of those who surveyed depend on magazines to stay up to date. Click here to view the relevant slide of the IMRB-ELCINA report.

2. Get Discovered Through Magazines

If you want the industry to be interested in knowing about your products or your organisation--print media is a great solution. Click here to view the relevant slide of the IMRB-ELCINA report.

3. Web Presence is Important

Once people get interested in your product or organisation, they want to know more, and for that they use the Internet. If your Net presence is poor, you might loose a lot of interested customers. Click here to view the relevant slide of the IMRB-ELCINA report.

4. Talk About Latest Technologies

Electronics industry's decision makers have a strong interest in latest technologies. If your advertisement or article can focus on that--you will engage with more audience. Click here to view the relevant slide of the IMRB-ELCINA report.

5. Highlight Your New Products

After latest tech, the next most important type of content people want to read is New Products. Launch of new products provides the best opportunity for you to connect with decision makers. And, before listing tech-specs of the product, highlight the product's benefits. Click here to view the relevant slide of the IMRB-ELCINA report.

We thank ELCINA for allowing us to publish extracts of the report published by them. The complete report is available here.

PS: The BONUS learning is that Electronics For You magazine provides 34 TIMES more reach within the electronics eco-system, than any other electronics magazine in India!