Circulation & Readership Stats

Due to Covid, there has been a slight impact on circulation--especially sales via news-stands, and distribution of copies at events, the launch of EFY Express has enabled us to cover the gaps and connect with an even larger audience.

Following figures provide a broad average…
Estimated Unique Readership of EFY (Print), EFY (e-Zine) and EFY Express (E-zine)

Monthly: 350,000+
Annually: 600,000+

Monthly Breakup of Readership

EFY Print: 200,000

(Based on 4:1 ratio (readers: copies) for print publications)

EFY E-zine: 50,000

EFY Express: 100,000

(Expanding rapidly)

1. We provide bonus publicity via promotion of ad and brand/logo via our Leading Supplier of Electronics monthly emailer
2. The actual readership for print might be a bit lower in 2021, due to lower reader-to-copy ratio because of Corona
3. But, readership via EFY Express is expanding at a very high pace now and expected to touch 200,000 before end of 2021